CARE Act Information and Resources

The Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act is a civil court process to help individuals with severe mental illness access behavioral health, medication support, and housing services.

CARE Act Resources

Santa Clara County Resources for Petitioners

Other Resources for Petitioners

Statewide CARE Act Resources

CARE Act Forms and Supporting Documentation


  • Information for Petitioners ( JC Form # CARE-050-INFO ) – individuals or agency representatives looking to initiate a court proceeding under the CARE Act requirements
  • Information for Respondents ( JC Form # CARE-060-INFO ) – individuals who are the subject of a CARE Act petition

Form required to start CARE Act court proceedings:

Supporting documentation must be attached to the petition in one of two ways:

  • A declaration by a licensed behavioral health professional on the following form: Mental Health Declaration – CARE Act Proceedings ( JC Form # CARE-101 ); or
  • Evidence that the respondent was detained for a minimum of two intensive treatments, the most recent one within the last 60 days. Evidence can include copies of certification for intensive treatment, a declaration from a witness to the intensive treatment, or other documents showing that the respondent was detained twice for up to 14 days of intensive treatment. Evidence should include the dates of the last treatment period.

Additional forms and translations:

  • Please refer to the Judicial Council of California’s website for  additional CARE Act forms . Several forms can be accessed in Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean and Chinese translations.

Where and How to File a Petition

A completed CARE Act Petition ( JC Form # CARE-100 ) and supporting documentation ( JC Form # CARE-101 )  or other evidence listed above) may be filed in-person at the Probate Division clerk’s office located at the Downtown Superior Courthouse at 191 N. First Street on the First Floor. 

Completed CARE Act Petitions and supporting documentation may also be filed by mail using the mailing address below:

Santa Clara Superior Court
Attn: Probate Division – CARE Act
191 N. First Street
San Jose, CA 95113

There is no fee required to file a Petition for CARE Act proceedings. To begin CARE Act proceedings you do not need to provide anyone except the court with a copy of the petition, however, you may want to keep a copy of your filed forms for your own records.